How are we reacting to megatrends that involve us?

At Raksystems, much attention has been paid to sustainability efforts and their development over the past few years. The process entered a new phase last autumn in particular and a lot of development work has taken place. In one workshop, we specifically discussed megatrends and how they affect us at Raksystems. Identifying megatrends is an essential part of promoting our sustainability efforts. It helps us get an overall picture of the global forces of change affecting our operations. We identified six different trends that significantly affect our business and that can also open up new opportunities for us if we react to them correctly.

Urbanisation is continuing

The population is still concentrated in the Helsinki metropolitan area as well as in a few larger cities. Urbanisation is continuing – people are interested in safe, healthy and environmentally friendly living and working conditions. Their importance is becoming even more emphasised. This creates new opportunities to develop sustainable and responsible properties, both in terms of new construction and by repairing old properties.

According to the 2023 ROTI report on the condition of the built environment, Finland’s building stock currently has a maintenance backlog of up to EUR 77.5 billion. This shows how large the need is for repairs to the already existing properties in our country.

The climate is getting warmer and it is threatening biodiversity

The climate is getting warmer, which also means an increase in extreme weather conditions. The demand for various solutions that are energy-efficient and improve resistance is increasing in order to protect buildings against the changing conditions. Read more about how climate change is affecting the exterior faces of buildings. Climate change also threatens biodiversity as the habitats of different species shrink.

The importance of sustainability is emphasised

Companies are now actively looking for ways to increase the positive impacts of their operations, while trying to minimise the harm. Sustainability is no longer just a “necessary evil” for many companies; it is starting to be essential for everyone if the company wants to succeed and continue to operate profitably in the future. Comprehensive and versatile sustainability requires transparency and an examination of the entire value chain.

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